The Code for Final Countdown

// The event listener for the button.
document.getElementById("btnSubmit").addEventListener("click", getValues);

// Get the values from the page.
function getValues() {
    let startValue = document.getElementById("startValue").value;
    let endValue = document.getElementById("endValue").value;

    if(isNaN(startValue) || isNaN(endValue)){
        alert("Please enter a number.");

    // Change the values of the number fields to integers and round them to whole numbers.
    startValue = Math.round(parseInt(startValue));
    endValue = Math.round(parseInt(endValue));

    // Check to see if the number values are in fact integers.
    if (startValue < 1 || startValue > 100) {
    alert("Please choose a starting number between 1 and 100");

    // Check to see if the ending number is between 0 and 100 and not a negative number
    } else if ((endValue < 0 || endValue > 100) || Math.sign(endValue) === -1) {
    alert("Please choose an ending number between 0 and 100");

    // Check to make sure the starting number is larger than the ending number.
    } else if (startValue <= endValue) {
    alert("The starting number has to be larger than the ending number");

    } else {
    // Call the generateNumbers function with the start and end values
    // passed via the arguments and assign it to the numbers variable.
    let numbers = generateNumbers(startValue, endValue);

    // Call the displayNumbers function and pass the numbers argument to it.

// This function generates the numbers in between the number values and assigns them to an array.
function generateNumbers(sValue, eValue) {
    let numbers = [];
    let i = sValue;
    for (i; i >= eValue; i--) {
    return numbers;

// This function will write the numbers to the html page.
function displayNumbers(numbers) {
    let templateRows = "";

    // The for loop iterates through the numbers array,
    // checks to see if the number is odd or even,
    // then assigns the odd or even css class to them respectively.

    for (let i = 0; i <= numbers.length-1; i++) {
    let className = "even";
    let number = numbers[i];

    if (number % 2 == 0) {
        className = "even";
    } else {
        className = "odd";

    // This line puts that number in some html markup.
    templateRows += `<tr><td class="${className}" >${number}</td></tr>
    // The next line inserts the html into the html page.
    document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = templateRows;
This code is structured in three functions.

The first thing done was to add an event listener to the button so the code will fire when the button is pressed.

The next getValues function gets the values from the number input fields, that being the Starting Number and Ending Number fields. It also makes a few checks to see if the numbers entered are valid. Finally it will call on a couple of "helper" functions explained below.

The first helper function is called generateNumbers. This function will generate a list of numbers in between and including the starting and ending numbers and put them into an array to be passed on later.

The second helper function is called displayNumbers. This will take the numbers in the array, put them in some html code, and then inject them into the web page for display.

In summary the getValues function gets the values from the number fields and checks to make sure those inputs are valid, it calls the generateNumbers function to generate the numbers array, then it calls the displayNumbers function to display the array passed on from the generateNumbers function into the web page.

Please contact me if you have any questions and/or would like to discuss my skill set and qualifications.